An Open Mouth, With Which To Speak

I started this blog for a few reasons. I wanted to have a place to dump some thoughts, get them written down so I can actually see them, read them and REALLY understand what I’m trying to say. I’ve found that whenever I have an opinion on something, I often contradict myself when I actually…

PMA vs. PPA (Personal Physical Action)

There are a few things I feel after a workout and a run. First, my body feels great for having pushed through some strenuous activity and emerged victorious! Second, I’m proud of myself for pushing forward to actually work out. Third, I can’t wait to keep being productive in taking care of myself. PMA! Positive…

My Vacation (Photo Dump!)

(edit) I started writing this post when I got back from vacation, ignore mistakes related to time, thanks! –Trying to relive fond memories never works, the easiest thing to do is just make new memories. I had a plan for my vacation last week. I was going to do some longboarding, jump off some cliffs…

Vacation: Day 1

While at work on Friday afternoon I could not focus on anything I needed to do. Luckily I spent a few hours the day before finishing up some projects that needed to be done before I left for another splediferous vacation to Burlington, VT and Wells, ME. Allison and I drove up to Bremen, IN,…

Critique Me

This post is coming to you from a Facebook post I made earlier asking designers for advice or help on upcoming projects. I’m self-taught on everything I design and there are many times I know I’m missing something because I’ve only ever had my own point of view on a project. I’d like to improve,…

Insight From a Tool Peg Board

Nobody has ever called me organized. In one of my recent posts I talked about my genuine struggle with A.D.D. and what I’ve done to deal with that in my professional life. In my garage, however, I can be me. That’s why I have a work bench that’s 20 feet long and covered in random…

Gratuitous Puppy Post

Yesterday it snowed…a lot. Over 8 inches at the end of March. The silver lining here was at least I got a chance to take some fun pictures with the dogs. Here they are! I had to post this one because of my sweet coat. My dad bought this Eastern Mountain Sports coat in the…